Screening of beverage spoilage bacteria

First-Beer PCR Screening kits

Ready to use realtime PCR kits for identification and differentiation of bacteria and yeasts


The GEN-IAL® First-Beer PCR P1 Hyb-Probe kit provides a rapid and realiable screening method of beer spoilage bacteria and yeast in one PCR-reaction. Even such contaminations that have not, to date, been counted to the obligatory beer contaminants are detected reliably. Among those are L. backii, L. perolens, L.collinoides, L.rossiae and Selenomonas lacticifex. All contaminations are directly displayed in the screening. The kit has not needed post-validation so far. The system is very sensitive (20-100 bacteria/yeast), specific and enables the identification of contaminants on species level.


The systems are based on multiplex TaqMan® technolgy. The results are easy and clear to interprete . An integrated internal control avoids false negative results; the UNG-system avoids false positive results. The systems are applicable with different realtime PCR devices available on the market.


Approximately 2h after preenrichment.

The PCR systems are well suited for use in combination with the QuickGEN preparation kits (on request) or the Simplex® easy DNA Kit.


Species identification kits


The GEN-IAL® First-Beer PCR Species kits provide rapid and reliable identifications on species-and/or subspecies level. Single, duplex and multiplex kits are available. The systems are modular designed and well suited for custom specific combinations in one PCR-kit.


The systems are based on multiplex TaqMan® technolgy. The results are easy and clear to interprete . An integrated internal control avoids false negative results; the UNG-system avoids false positive results. The systems are applicable with different realtime PCR devices available on the market.

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